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Currency conversion word problem

Sal converts between American dollars and Chinese yuan. Created by Sal Khan.

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Dennis is vacationing in China and wants to spend $30 on a new sweater. The sweater he likes costs 197 Chinese yuan . One US dollar can be converted into 6 Chinese yuan. Dennis will have blank Chinese yuan if he converts his $30. Well, let's think about this. He's going to take $30, and the conversion rate is 6 yuan per dollar. So he's going to have $30 times 6 yuan per dollar. So he's going to have 30 times 6 yuan. And 30 times 6, well, that's the same thing as 3 times 6 times 10, or 180. So he's going to have a 180 Chinese yuan. Now does he have enough money to buy the sweater? Well, the sweater cost 197 yuan. So no, he does not have enough money to buy the sweater.